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United Way Initiatives Have Begun at Ferguson

It is October, which means United Way Fundraisers at Ferguson are up and running.  Each year Ferguson students participate in numerous events to help United Way make a difference in the community. 

This year’s fundraiser goal is $8,600 which equals to about $2 a student. Although it sounds like a large number, our Activities Director, Ms. Tanya Rae-Schulze, is confident that Ferguson students can take on this challenge and reach the school’s goal this year. She stated that different events and fundraisers including dress down days, and t-shirt sales will be announced throughout the month, and all the proceeds will go towards United Way.

In order to reach Ferguson’s United Way goal, fundraisers will take place this month. This will include some dress down days, which will be announced. Ms. Schulze shared some of the school’s events already programmed to take place. “This year we have come up with new and different events to help us reach the goal we were assigned by the United Way program. We have created our own United Way t-shirts to sell that list many causes United Way supports on the back. We are hosting a movie event where students will purchase tickets to watch a movie and receive a snack. Finally, we are having a fundraiser game after school where the cheerleaders play basketball while the players cheer for them,” said Schulze.  Through these and other activities, Ferguson students can help the school reach its goal while at the same time helping United Way make an impact in the community. 

Schools around the nation are involved in supporting United Way through contributions and activities. Ferguson is one of these schools. Ferguson’s student government association has created events that raise money, so that it can be donated to great causes through United Way. Ms. Schulze commented, “If we start teaching children now about what is truly going on in our community and that they have the ability to help, it will make them into more well-rounded citizens and cause them to help out those in need, later in the future.” Students at Ferguson continue to support United Way in their effort to make a difference, as this organization is an impactful one.

United Way is the world’s largest non-profit organization. It focuses on problems in communities most people choose to ignore. This organization was established in Denver and was founded in 1887 by a woman, a priest, two ministers, and a rabbi. United Way currently has 3 million active volunteers from around the world. These volunteers have raised $5.2 billion in 41 countries. The money raised goes to the many families and individuals in need.

United Way’s mission is to help the common good, through three equally important areas. The first area involves improving educational quality. Through this area, children and youth can obtain necessary knowledge to help them succeed for the rest of their lives. In many communities, children often lack in tools, tips, and educational materials. United Way helps with these struggles and more. According to unitedway.org, students in San Diego, California are one of the many examples on how United Way benefits schools. School attendance, reading levels, and writing proficiency in San Diego have drastically improved through the organization.

The second area promotes a stable financial foundation. Through this area, people are assisted in gaining financial independence for their families, including aid in the search for living-wage jobs. The area also gives people the opportunity for people to get back on their feet through financial workshops. These workshops provide job-skills training and securing housing. On unitedway.org, it is stated that this area, “Starts with access to services, job training, credit counseling and money management programs.” The website also demonstrates how United Way has helped improve youth employment in Brazil through lead training courses.

The third area consists of improving individual health. This provides affordable health care, healthy foods, and access to physical activities in order to create healthy living. A person’s health acts like a barrier and can often affect his or her success. Substance abuse programs, mental and emotional support, as well as food stands are some United Way services. In Toledo, Ohio, United Way has given people the opportunity to maintain over 130 gardens, provide nutrition programs, and give safe walkable routes for children on their way to school. These efforts help children become more successful at their schools, along with leading a healthy life-style. 

United Way creates partnerships with stakeholders from different communities to find new solutions to old problems. These partnerships are made up of governments, NGO’s (non-governmental organizations), and business partners. Together, they work hard to address local problems by involving leaders, practitioners, and people in the affected communities. United Way brings people together to create bigger and better solutions globally. 

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