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Saying Farewell to the 2023-2024 School Year 

Isabella Jimenez - May 17, 2024

Isabella Jimenez As soon as I began my high school years back in 2020, I was told by everyone “Enjoy these years while…

May Comic

Katelin Contreras and Isabella Jimenez - May 17, 2024

Upcoming Graduation Day for the Class of 2024
Student Life
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Upcoming Graduation Day for the Class of 2024

Lucia Menendez - May 17, 2024

As the academic year comes to a close, the Watsco Center is preparing to host the graduation ceremony for the Ferguson Falcons on…

A Magical Night in Pandora Approaches
Student Life
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A Magical Night in Pandora Approaches

Katelin Contreras - May 17, 2024

Juniors and Seniors, it’s almost time. May 18th marks an important milestone for both the Senior and Junior experiences: Prom. This year’s prom…

Apple Lets Loose Brand New iPads During May Event
Arts & Entertainment
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Apple Lets Loose Brand New iPads During May Event

Sebastian Camargo - May 17, 2024

The silicon valley tech giant announced in the past weeks the occurrence of their annual May event, dubbed “Let Loose”. The broadcast, which…

FHSAA to Consider Sanctioning E-Sports
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FHSAA to Consider Sanctioning E-Sports

Ryan Ramirez - May 16, 2024

E-sports, also known as electronic sports, has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity in recent years. What originally started as an underground subculture…

Top Summer Destination Spots
Arts & Entertainment
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Top Summer Destination Spots

Astrid Mato - May 16, 2024

As the academic year draws to a close, students are eagerly counting down the last few days of school, eagerly anticipating the freedom…

What To Expect in Cinemas This Summer
Arts & Entertainment
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What To Expect in Cinemas This Summer

Sofia Morales - May 16, 2024

Summer break is right around the corner and with it comes a slew of new movies! Boredom will never be in our periphery…

A Quick Look Into the 2024 Met Gala
Arts & Entertainment
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A Quick Look Into the 2024 Met Gala

Blancameli Veitia - May 15, 2024

Traditionally, on the first week of May, the Metropolitan Museum of Art hosts the star-studded Met Gala every year. This event is highly…

Should Ferguson Consider Banning Cell Phones?
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Should Ferguson Consider Banning Cell Phones?

Sebastian Camargo and Astrid Mato - May 15, 2024

In September of the current year, the board of schools at Orange County passed a resolution that prohibited students from using their cell…

Seniors Gather For Final Pep Rally
Student Life
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Seniors Gather For Final Pep Rally

Sofia Morales - May 13, 2024

More than just a typical pep rally, the senior edition marked the culmination of each student's high school career, preserving one of the…

Guide to Yearbook Distribution Day
Student Life
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Guide to Yearbook Distribution Day

Andres Yabbour - May 09, 2024

A message to all students: Yearbook distribution will be held on May 21st this year. It's understandable to feel excited about receiving your…

Miami Seaquarium Faces Eviction After Decades of Animal Cruelty
Arts & Entertainment
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Miami Seaquarium Faces Eviction After Decades of Animal Cruelty

Sofia Morales - May 07, 2024

If you are a Floridian, you have probably heard of the Miami Seaquarium. You might have visited on a field trip as a…

Coachella 2024: A Recap
Arts & Entertainment
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Coachella 2024: A Recap

Blancameli Veitia - May 03, 2024

Held in Indio, California, Coachella is an annual music and arts festival featuring a diverse lineup of musical acts across various genres. With a focus on sustainability and…

A Helping Hand: Robert Rowe
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A Helping Hand: Robert Rowe

Daniela Lorenzo - May 01, 2024

With the fear that comes with transitioning into your first year of high school, walking into Robert Rowe’s classroom is like a breath…

Boys Baseball Celebrates Five Game Winning Streak
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Boys Baseball Celebrates Five Game Winning Streak

Angie Guillen - May 01, 2024

As the season progresses, the boy's baseball team has shown their diligence and commitment to the game, attaining a winning streak of five consecutive games. This places…

Most Anticipated Movies of May
Arts & Entertainment
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Most Anticipated Movies of May

Sofia Morales - May 01, 2024

Every month, dozens of streaming services and movie companies never cease to amaze us by releasing more enjoyable entertainment to their ever-expanding libraries.…

Lady Falcons Show Great Determination
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Lady Falcons Show Great Determination

Natalie Perera - Apr 29, 2024

The Lady Falcons flag football team demonstrated their skill and determination by securing a victory against Coral Gables, which earned them a spot…

Rocking The Halls of Ferguson
Student Life
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Rocking The Halls of Ferguson

Sofia Morales - Apr 23, 2024

Out of all the events that Ferguson hosts throughout the year, one of the most anticipated is the seasonal rock concerts. Students are…

Ms. Sol and Her Knack for Cats
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Ms. Sol and Her Knack for Cats

Emi Martin - Apr 23, 2024

Every school day, Ms. Sol enters the classroom to teach English and Literature, interacting with ninth and twelfth-grade students throughout the day. As…

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Saying Farewell to the 2023-2024 School Year 

Isabella Jimenez - May 17, 2024

May Comic

Katelin Contreras and Isabella Jimenez - May 17, 2024