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Underclassmen Gear Up For Yearly Articulation

Feb 05, 2024
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As we tread into the third quarter, students are gearing up for our annual Articulation. Known more commonly as subject selection, this is where students choose and structure their schedule for the upcoming year. Typically a February festivity, articulation will be held on the 21st during 1st period. 

Articulation offers a broad selection of classes, ensuring that there is something for everybody to enjoy. 

Driver’s Education, taught by Coach Pardo, is a highly sought-after class for students who are looking to learn driving skills and knowledge. The course prepares you for driving by helping you understand the fundamentals of driving, such as road laws and traffic maneuvers. By learning the rules of the road, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions while driving, ensuring that you stay safe, and avoid accidents. 

“Apart from the teacher being really nice, I feel that I have felt more confidence in driving.” Susapich Surawatanawises, senior, comments.

If you’re looking for a subject that’s both fascinating and practical, then look no further than psychology.

“This course taught me so much about myself and others around me.” Sophia Rivera, sophomore, mentions.

In this class, students can understand themselves and others better, develop critical thinking skills, prepare for future careers, and gain insight into mental health. Whether you’re looking to enhance your understanding of yourself, improve your relationships, or embark on a rewarding career, studying psychology can enrich your life in countless ways. Students may also choose between studying regular or AP Psychology, which opens the door for opportunity and preparation for college. 

It’s no surprise that acting is a popular subject among students. With many great benefits, it offers such as helping build self-confidence, improving communication, and even strengthening listening skills. Not only does acting help with strengthening teamwork, it can additionally provide a supportive environment for creativity and exploration, while also improving memorization techniques. 

Whether you’re considering a career in acting or simply looking for a fun and rewarding hobby, taking an acting class can be a smart investment in your personal and professional development.

“Eurythmics is an elective I would like to pick to practice and to help me with colorguard.”  Chelsea Gonzales, junior, expresses. “It also looks like a very fun class.”

Through a series of carefully designed exercises, students are encouraged to develop their coordination and concentration skills while also cultivating a deeper appreciation for different types of music in Eurythmics class.  Students are given the opportunity to develop discerning listening skills by engaging with diverse musical genres and styles. 

Along with elective classes, students must choose their core classes during Articulation. 

“This class excites me and challenges me more.” Senior, Loris Laura Quintana, states. 

Calculus is a class that offers numerous benefits to students. Not only does it help us understand and explain patterns, but it also provides endless opportunities to explore new concepts and solve complex problems. In addition to these benefits, Calculus can also help with pursuing your career for those interested in fields such as engineering, medicine, and economics. 

Another great class to consider would be Dual Enrollment. Dual Enrollment allows for high school students to explore various college courses such as Introduction to Microcomputers and Music Theory for free. This program not only looks appealing on your transcript, but provides you with a head start on college education by earning you credits.

With the event quickly approaching, students should focus on choosing classes that they thoroughly enjoy or need to ensure a smooth and beneficial year. 

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