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An Evening of One Acts

Ferguson’s thespians had an interesting two nights as they presented “Evening of One Acts”. The shows took place on November 2nd and 3rd and featured two plays that were embodied by Ferguson’s alumni only. Not only did the students act in the plays but they also directed and set up the whole show.

The first show performed was called “The Struggles” and had won Superior at the District 8 One-Act Festival, competing against some of the best schools in South Florida.  The story was about a high school student named Megan Rider (played by Laney Rodriguez) who struggles with dyslexia and ADHD. She comes to realize, with some help, that her struggles can make her stronger and despite her disabilities, she had strengths as well.

There was an intermission once that play had finished, where audience members could buy food and drinks as the crew began to prepare the stage for the next play. The money from those sales, along with money from ticket sales went to the Ferguson Theatre program.

The second show was called Check Please, which was a comedy about a girl and a boy (Lena Rodriguez and Eric Gospodinoff who go through a series of bizarre first dates. Some dates include a mime, a thief, an elderly woman, and a gay actor doing research for a role.

The room was full of laughter at the witty lines and strange characters, but had their heart melt was the two main characters finally met and walked out on their strange date.

At the end, the director came onto the stage and the actors and actresses of both shows came out and did a bow. The crowd roared with applause in support of the cast. Overall, the acting and makeup was terrific and it was obvious the students of theater tried their hardest to perfect the shows and succeeded.

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