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Ferguson’s Film Club Begins Work

One of our most interesting clubs here at Ferguson is the Film Club, which offers students with an interest in filmmaking an opportunity to get a taste of what life will be like in the industry. The club is run by the Florida Film Institute in collaboration with Miami Dade College.

Film Club operates as an actual class and its curriculum spans an entire school year. The class is split into two semesters and as Ms. Avila, the club sponsor, explained, “The first semester is screenwriting, so they teach the students how to write a screenplay.” 

Students are taught how to write a plot and script for a short film and they all turn in a screenplay towards the end of the semester. “At the end of the first semester, they choose a couple of screenplays to then film and turn into short films in the second semester,” said Ms. Avila. Adrian Gonzalez, one student whose screenplay was chosen to be produced, said, “I spent several club meetings writing it, and it eventually won the vote to be directed and produced.”

The students are now in their second semester, in which they go through with the filming of the short films. Professors from Miami Dade College came in to teach the students about the aspects of creating a film. Students in the club each have a role in the filming, whether it be acting, makeup, props, directing, producing, or several other roles. They are currently filming two short films: Rewind Thirty, written by Luciano Peschiera, and The Honor Roll Boys, written by Adrian Gonzalez.

The entire experience was very exciting for the students, who all have a deep passion for filmmaking. “What drew me to the club was my love and interest in film and filmmaking in general. I’ve always had a deep love for telling stories and using cameras,” said the writer of Rewind Thirty, Peschiera. The students are all very dedicated to their jobs. They tried their hardest to get the best result possible.

The students finally filmed their short films on March 5th. “We put in hours of hard work… I can’t wait to see how it comes out,” said Adrian Gonzalez regarding the film he had written.

The students are surely very grateful for the opportunity to create something like this in high school and get a taste of what a career in the film industry would be like. The Film Club at Ferguson has given these Falcons an experience they are sure to remember for a very long time. 

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