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Matpat Stuns Fans With Sudden Retirement

The digital world is saying goodbye to a creator who made a lasting impact on the Youtube platform. After 13 amazing years of entertainment, MatPat has decided that his time in the YouTube community has ended. 

Matthew Roberts, established as MatPat, is known best for his comical persona through his Youtube channel, Game Theory. In his early life, he had originally aspired to become an actor, moving to New York. However, he found little success, only able to land jobs in small theaters. He turned to Youtube as a last resort, uploading stage plays to build his portfolio. 

Matpat’s popularity slowly grew after the release of his first video in 2011. The video discussed the quantum mechanics behind the 1995 game Chrono Trigger. Since then, Matpat expanded his channel to more diverse topics, drawing in millions of fans worldwide.

The sudden announcement of his retirement surprised many fans. In a video titled “Goodbye Internet,” Matpat shares a heartfelt goodbye, announcing that the final theory episode will be published on March 9th before the channel is passed down to other owners. 

MatPat values talking, being open, and connecting with his audience. In the video, he shares that he  made the monumental decision of retiring because the internet is changing, and he wants to spend more time with his family. He mentions and reminisces on the achievements and special moments he’s been able to have due to his massive career. 

Using a gaming analogy, he compares the ending of a game to the outgrowing of his channel and how he doesn’t feel like he fits in this space anymore. Though the decision was hard, he expresses how he feels as it’s the best. 

In order to keep the channel alive, Matpat made the decision to pass the reins to four trusted staff members who have worked behind the scenes with his videos in recent years.  He announces that their shared interests and enthusiasm for theories will continue to keep the spirit alive. 

Loyal and loving fans are undoubtedly upset, but mostly grateful for the videos that MatPat has given them. Undeniably, Matpat has been apart of many childhoods throughout his career. Over 300,000 comments on MatPat’s video express gratitude and say farewell to Matpat, while welcoming the new hosts when the time comes. 

Its unfortunate to say goodbye to a YouTuber who has left a lasting impact in the digital world, but his creative journey and genuine connections have created memories that will stick with their audience. This farewell is more than just a goodbye; it’s a moment to appreciate the influence this creator has had in the ever-changing realm of online content.

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