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Speed Friending

The week of February 4th-8th was Ferguson’s Start with Hello week. Dedicated to helping students feel included and allowing for teens throughout the school to participate in social interactions with people they did not know or talk to. (For more information on Start with Hello week click here).

On Friday, the 8th of February the event that was being held was called Speed Friending. Taking place in the gymnasium of John A. Ferguson, students of all grade levels were able to make new friends and become more sociable when talking to people around them.

Ranging from freshmen to seniors, students came pouring into the gym waiting to be seated. They were instructed to sit facing each other and begin talking to one another once the music started. One person from each pair was selected to be the conversation starter and was given a sheet of paper with potential questions that can get their partner talking.

Questions like, “Where have your shoes been,” “If you could…,” “What is something you are obsessed with?” were being asked all throughout the gym. Students were encouraged to keep these conversations going for two minutes straight, or until the music was shut off. When the conversation was over, the conversation starter moved to the person that was next to them and started the process all over again.

Our Journalism staff members participated in this and all came back with positive feedback. This was a surefire way to get shy people out in the open and talking to new people. Although there is only a slim possibility of actually getting to know these people and becoming friends with them after, the momentary interaction was nothing but positive and eye-opening. Seeing how social people were able to talk to people that were nervous or shy for this experience really gave Speed Friending a new meaning.

It is evident that this event was not for everybody, some people prefer to be more closed up than others. But overall, the outcome of this was great and we cannot wait to see how this will unravel in the future.

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