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Mask Mandate: Carvalho vs DeSantis

Since the start of this school year, there have been many changes as a result of the pandemic, one of them being Miami-Dade County’s implementation of the mask mandate. Superintendent Alberto Carvalho reaffirms that the use of face masks is going to be required for all students, staff members, and anyone who is working with or visiting Miami-Dade Public Schools.

On the other hand, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis believes that students’ parents are in the better position to decide whether their kids should be wearing masks in school. Ten school districts in Florida, including Broward, have expressed that the mask mandate is a violation of state laws. These districts insist that parents have a right to make the decision on whether their children should wear masks or not.

The enactment of this mask mandate has been a controversial topic discussed among many students and parents. Several students appear to be gravitating towards holding the mask mandate in place. Freshman Katherine Sanchez shares, “I really do think that the mask mandate should be continued because we are really ultimately trying to prevent the pandemic from spreading any further and allowing kids to be in the school setting safely without the risk of sharing the virus.” She adds that, “We need to do what we can to avoid spending another year in quarantine, which is honestly not preferred.” Hence, some students have this same way of thinking, which agrees with Carvalho’s stance on the issue, being that masks will help prevent schools from having to shut down again and having to return to online learning.

On the contrary, other students disagree with the mask mandate, believing that masks are redundant and, in some cases, like in the packed hallways of Ferguson, useless. For example, junior Jesse Alfonso states that, “The mask mandate is unnecessary because we’re always walking through busy hallways like a pack of sardines, so why should I wear a face covering when it’s near impossible to keep a safe distance anyways? The threat of spreading the virus will always be present, with the mask and without. I’m still in contact with others and sharing the same air. I completely support Ron DeSantis’ decision of repealing the mask mandate.” There are also other students who agree with DeSantis’ viewpoint, but for different reasons, like sophomore Krystal Montanez, who says that “I think parents should be able to choose whether or not they want their kids to wear a mask because they should be allowed to have influence on what they believe is best for the safety of their child.”

Thus, each student has their own distinct opinion on how the pandemic should be handled and their reasons behind it. However, with DeSantis believing the use of face masks should be a parent’s decision, loads of parents have also shared their thoughts on this issue.

Mother and registered nurse, Leyzer Ramirez says that “I agree with people that the school board members, teachers, and students should wear their masks.” She supports this statement with the notion that, “It’s been proven that wearing a mask is safe for the person who’s doing it and for the people around.” Stay-at-home mother, Daywantie Mahabir, also believes that the mask mandate should not be lifted yet. “I think that teachers and students should continue to wear masks because COVID is not yet eradicated, and people are still getting very sick. The kids are more susceptible than the adults and now that they are back in school, it’s gotten worse. Every day we’re getting phone calls from the school to say that some kid is infected.  The people around them have to stay home, and I don’t think we should get rid of the masks just yet,” she explains.

In addition, some parents believe that the decision on facial mask use should rest on them, because it is their responsibility to keep their children safe. Sarojini Mohan, mother and employee for the Federal Government of Health and Human Services states that, “It’s our kids’ health and their health comes first, parents should have the ultimate decision. It shouldn’t be the government or the school. We have to protect our children.”

Overall, most parents agree that the mask mandate has been extremely helpful in avoiding the spread of COVID-19, but the continuation of this policy is still being heavily debated. After experiencing how quarantine was like last year, many are putting the effort to remain in physical schooling.

There are such a variety of opinions among students and parents in respect to the mask mandate, making the continuation or end of the mask mandate remain uncertain. Therefore, until Carvalho and DeSantis have settled on a final decision, we should all continue to play our part and share our input on this matter that very much concerns our health and security.

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