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Triumph for the Thespians


Thespians Troupe 6822 acquired their primordial Superior Award in JAF’s history at the One Acts competition on October 27 in Hialeah High School. The One Acts is a district-wide competition where each school takes a piece, also known as one act. The thespians are required to perform their play in front of judges and they get evaluated based on the quality of performance/skills, interaction with the audience, timing, and a variety of different assets that contribute to the flow of the show in its integrity.

In addition to the Superior Award, the main character Laney Rodriguez won an All-Star Cast Award, which is another nomination and great solo recognition towards an actress/actor. The All-Star Cast Award is given to the participant that showed exponential potential when delivering the message of a certain role or play from each group of contestants. All of the winners from the All-Star Cast Award would be considered to be part of a phenomenal cast if they ever partake in an act together. They also won the Best Student Directed Award thanks to their director, Nataly Robinson.

The one-act they prepared was titled The Struggles. It’s about a girl who suffers from learning disabilities and how she is able to overcome the struggles she faces in her life. Thespians rehearsed every day for the past month after school from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm in order to correct any miniscule error to improve their act and perform it to the best of their abilities.

Junior Zunian Serpa was in charge of the lights for the One Acts, which was actually a pivotal element of the production. “The legacy we hope to leave behind is the beginning of everything else because we won our first Superior Award in all of Troupe 6822’s history; we hope to start that and to keep it going,” Serpa said. Hoping to give younger thespians the inspiration to never give up, these legends stand and rise based on their own efforts and achievements, proving once more that hard work always pays off and brings satisfaction through the task successfully completed. Some thespians have the tendency to think that they aren’t going to do well or they think negative things about their performance; however, the key is to keep the positivity going and to try their best.

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