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Club Rush is Here

Do you like to cook or are you more interested in fashion? Well, the Ferguson Club Rush had it all this and more on Friday, September 24th. There were clubs for all sorts of interests such as medicine, law and even diversity and drama. 

Joining clubs and groups with people who share a common goal comes with many benefits that will stay with them for many years. One of them being practice and experience in the area of their future career path or just a hobby. 

Through clubs of your choosing, you’ll meet new people with similar interests and feel how the norm was pre-covid. “Club rush was an exciting time to meet new people and create new experiences once you sign up for a club,” said junior, Sophia Viera. 

 It’s that collaboration and togetherness that makes clubs extra special. Before covid, it was exactly the same minus the masks and a few of the other covid restrictions. And even with the restrictions, clubs are equally enjoyable and members can get by the obstacles that have risen through their dedication.

Each year, both pre-covid and during, club rush is always held towards the beginning of the year and members of  each club use a decorated board to promote themselves. They have exhibited the purpose and achievements of their clubs with everything from pictures and information to cool looking skeletons and large trophies.

There were also many fun activities. This year we saw the Police Explorers hold push up contests, and those who won received free donuts.  The psychology honor society wrote and handed out positive sticky notes to people who would walk by. 

Then there were some clubs that grabbed your attention through the energy they gave like the Salsa Club, who would play vibrant, lively music to encourage others to dance and join in on the fun.

“The salsa club was presented so well at club rush that I had to sign instantly,” commented junior, Kirenia Perez. “I went to the first club meeting already and had a blast!”

Clubs do not necessarily have to be all about meeting new people, which is a bonus, but it could also help you figure out what you want to do as a career when you’re older. In the Law Club, for example, there is a mock trial competition that gives practice on how it would be to be an actual lawyer.

Since Club Rush is an organized collection of so many clubs, it can be easy to miss a few that you might’ve been interested in. Some clubs also didn’t put up a poster like Model UN, but they still exist. There were also clubs scattered around the outside of the school. Lunch, however, has a very short time span that doesn’t allow for balance between eating and walking, so it’s difficult to see them all!

Well, we’ve got you covered. Listed below are most of the clubs with either a Remind or Instagram account available for you to find your information just in case you missed them. Don’t wait too long or you might miss the deadline. 

Gay Straight Alliance- @9b83g9

Environment Club- @jafec2021

Playbill- @jafb

Pass It On- @pio2122

Diversity Club- @diverse123

Best Buddies- @fergbb2020

Homed For the Less- @ferghftl

FCCLA- Instagram @fergusonfccla

First Priority- @fergfp22

Law Club/Honor Society- @ferglaw21

Model UN- `Instagram @jafmodelun

NHSDA- @hhsdd22

National Honor Society- Seniors (@432423) Juniors /Sophomores(@3k83kab)

Key Club- 9-10 (@b684f8) 11-12 (@33gf46)

FBCLA- Instagram @ferguson_fbla

HOSA- @22hosa

Mu Alpha Theta- @falconmao

JAF Salsa- @jafsalsa

Young Republicans- Instagram @fergusonyoungrepublicans

Psychology Honor Society- @jafphs22

Fresh-n Up @cc74bc

iDesign- @iDesign1

Fashion Club- @fergfash

UNICEF- @jafun

Stand- @stand2022

English Honor Society- @jafnehs

Robotics- @jafro

Police Explorers- @734d9g9

Book Club- @jafbo

TV Club- @tvclub2021

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