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Photography Showcase

On May 18, 2018, John A. Ferguson became the host of what many people attending described as an amazing showcase of talent.  The showcase displayed student work and was able to connect said work with everyone seeing it. It was no surprise when after the showcase many people talked amongst themselves about how they could feel a connection with some of the works there.

This, however, was not only an amazing experience through the eye of the viewer but as well as for the artists and the teacher. This is because on this day the people who had been working on these photos and who tried to create something that could be relatable to the public saw that their efforts had finally paid off. They got to witness the look of appreciation and gratitude on people’s faces when they were viewing and analyzing their works.  It is safe to say that there were some great pieces of work on that day, however, you couldn’t pinpoint only one outstanding photograph if you tried because they all shined.

“We hoped to showcase all the work from all the students in our department so that people could see the highest skill level they have been able to reach with their time in the program,” Catherine Longueira–photography teacher and the organizer of the event–said, “I believe the key to success is having subject matter that is approachable and that is easily recognized, so that people are able to look at it and either envision themselves in the place of the subject or to easily identify what is in the picture and make a connection with it.”

When Longueira first started the showcase,  she just wanted an opportunity to provide the students with a place to showcase their work and their efforts from the whole year on a bigger scale.

“We wanted it to be on the same scale as the performing arts concerts, something we could share with the entire student body that showed what we do all year long,” Longueira said.

This was an overall great experience and received a lot of good feedback from those who attended.  If you didn’t make it to the showcase but are still interested to see the work students did, the photography is still on display at the AXIOM gallery in the Media Center for the rest of the year.

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