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The Falcons put out the Firebird’s flames at Home

On February 28th, the Falcons Baseball team continued their scorching hot start to the season — securing a win on their home turf against Doral in a thrilling contest that saw them put down Firebirds in convincing fashion.

“We kept the momentum on our side pretty much for the whole game and in the end, it benefited us,” said Coach Michael DeRosa. 

The first inning started off slow, as the Falcons found themselves in an early 2-0 deficit. However, the team persisted and quickly started climbing back into the fold by playing smart while making little mistakes, and capitalizing on opportunities when presented. Once the rally commenced, it was contagious throughout the entire squad as there were runs raining all across the Ferguson field. 

“Pitcher started off a bit slow, but he picked it up after the first inning putting us up by 10 points,” DeRosa shared.

Doral eventually retaliated, but only managed to make up a bit of ground — standing at 12-6 at the bottom of the 5th. Their hopes at a comeback were short-lived though, as once the Falcons got back on the plate, the Firebirds had no answer for them. They were able to recapture their ten-point lead from earlier in the game to close it out, ending it 16-6.

The expectation after a squad wins by such a significant margin is one of celebration, but Coach DeRosa’s mentality is never allowing his boys to tread water during games. Instead, encouraging them to put the capture the lead as soon as possible. 

“Finishing the game, we got very complacent — we got up 12-2 very fast and we got opportunities to put the game completely out of reach, but our guys coasted instead,” he commented.

After all, it is a game of runs, and when this squad heats up they are virtually unstoppable. If DeRosa’s boys manage to close out games after racking up leads such as this one, then there is no reason not to expect their early-season magic to continue.

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