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The Chorus Winter Concert — Beating cold weather with warm songs

Ferguson hosted another of its most anticipated Christmas events, its Chorus Winter Concert on December 15th.

The show itself helped bring out the jolly and bright spirit of the season not only in the attendants, but in the singers too — they showed the passion and hardwork they had put in all year to close out their final show of 2022. Seeing them on stage sing in complete, they truly felt like a family which most resembles the joy of the season.

This Christmas spirit also serves to remind everyone of the time they have spent with their closest and dearest friends, and for the seniors in the chorus, this serves as one of their last opportunities to be up on stage with their fellow singers and make memories for them to treasure as they step into adulthood.

“I have been in chorus my whole life and I am so grateful that I chose this as my elective and I will forever be grateful for these beautiful moments spent with these beautiful people and my amazing chorus teacher” shared Andrea Alvarez, a senior that had truly grown affectionate of her class and of the Ferguson family.

The event also serves as a proper send off into the quickly approaching winter break, giving the chorus classes a feeling of accomplishment after having conquered this event and begin this oncoming break as they look forwards to what next year might bring.

“My experience here has been the best of the best I’m so grateful to have had these moments with such beautiful people so to be able to meet up and sing these beautiful songs and to have the time of our life and they have been my second family and it’s been such an amazing time spent with everyone and everything relating to this,” continued Alvarez.

School commitments aside however, it is good to remember, as Christmas approaches especially, that it is important for people to have some fun with what they are passionate about and the chorus is representative of that with the unique vibrance they fill their shows with. 

“It was a very creative and fun atmosphere to kick off the little time before the holiday,” says Betsy Echagarrua, a falcon alumni whose sister, Kelsey Echagarrua, is a part of the chorus.

With another school event being done, and the with Christmas feeling closer than ever, it can be easy to get lost in the holiday rush that comes with every year, but sometimes, just some Christmas songs, a night with friends and family, and one last school memory is all that is needed to wrap up the year, and prepare for the next one.

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